Good Day everyone! These are strange times we are in. It seems like we went to sleep in one world and woke up in another almost. Having said that, I hope everyone is well, and keeping safe and staying healthy.
It would seem to me that our beliefs are tested in difficult times, and these times are no different. On, that note, I have been thinking a lot of the various pillars and teachings that we have to draw from and I will be writing down as best I can what has come to me.
I guess the first tenet that came to me was Strength. I was/am an avid power lifter and weight lifter. I found that was my release and where I could easily lose myself as I challenged myself to lift more and each time I achieved this was a mountain climbed. Unfortunately, I like most out there did not foresee this coming and my home is not equipped with a home gym. I was a little lost at first; until it occurred to me, how our ancestors would have gotten stronger…they did not go to a gym. And so I started looking around for things to lift and exercises I could do in the home. It was outside my comfort zone from what I was accustomed to, but I have grown fond of the bare bones nature of it.
As well, I found myself wanting to go outside more now…which I firmly place upon the: “I said not to do something which now makes you want to” factor. I had to fight the urge to grab a coffee and go sit at the water/beach, or go visit a friend/family. This brings me to the second type of strength, inner strength…of both mind and spirit. I find that one seems to focus on one aspect or the other and not the whole. These times have, for me at least, brought both aspects front and centre and tested me from every angle.
In this, I find myself praying to Odin to give me the wisdom and strength to get through each challenge and to like an arrow, know the direction I am to go, the actions I must take and to trust in right action and let go.
These were just some of my thoughts on “Strength”. I will be writing about the other virtues we hold dear and my thoughts on these during these times. I hope you enjoy reading about my thoughts on them and I hope you have your own inspirations drawn from them for yourself.
May Odin’s wisdom guide you,